
H: Home studio for intersectional feminist practices

Or: as an alternative to the definitions and experiences of the body;
between sexuality and childbirth

A container for events and workshops at the intersection of health, art and socially engaged practices.
An anti patriarchal collective framework for the deconstructions of ‘femininity’ and the healing of intergenerational traumas.
Connect: bodiesbirth@gmail.com
IG: @horlondon @dygravina

Events and collaborations

Jan 2024
A meeting with Italian feminist and thinker Lea Melandri and Autocoscienza Writing Group. Lea was a founding editor with Elvio Fachinelli of the radical journal L’erba voglio (1971–78) and author of L’infamia originaria (1977). She teaches at Milan’s Free University for Women. Her Love and Violence: The Vexatious Factors of Civilization was published in English translation in 2019.

Feb 2024
Sanctuary Homes Moonscape. A regenerative social club to reconnect the self, community and the earth through transformative experiences rooted in art, healing and nature.  More here 

Red Tent: Doulas preparation, Traditional postpartum, Radical birth educators courses. More here

July 2023
The School for Ethical touch with ‘Listening touch’. More of their events in Oxford here  

July 2023
Pamela Samuelson: ‘Take back the Speculum’, a feminist, gender inclusive overview of the full spectrum of healthy sexual anatomy (& the destruction of the misogynist, racist bs materials most commonly used to educate us *and* our providers).
More here